Professional expertise
Sentéales has a selection of exclusive treatments for the face and body to meet everyone’s needs.
As discovery and escape are values very dear to us, these treatments have been grouped together under the generic title of “Escape”. They reflect the true balance between the performance of our products formulated with natural active ingredients and the purest essential oils and the precision of carefully choreographed movements.
Conclusive results do not obscure the fact that beauty therapy is, first and foremost, a sensitive science corroborated by care and trust. The consultation allows the beautician to recommend the most suitable treatment or product. It will match the person’s skin type (seborrhoeic, non-lipidic, normal, combination) and condition (mature, sensitive, etc.) and meet all the requirements of the person being treated.
These “Escapes” are provided in the most beautiful spaces and greatest beauty salons around the world by beauty therapists who we train ourselves.